Travel Tips

Dining Solo Tips

Dining Solo Tips

One awkward aspect of independent travel can be dining solo in restaurants. Even well traveled, independent people can sometimes feel uncomfortable eating without a companion. Yet, once you get over any insecurities, the experience can actually be really enjoyable!

Many travellers entering an eatery unaccompanied will no doubt be asking for the Wi-Fi password and reaching for their phone before they’re even seated at a table. Trawling through Facebook news feeds or checking emails is an easy way to keep busy, easing the ‘discomfort’ of having no one to talk with. But whilst it might be tempting to be online, in many respects this is a cop out to be engaging with the digital world, when you could be engaging with your current new travel environment. I’d love to share some dining solo tips with you…

Over the years in different countries, I’ve dined alone in many places, many venues without WIFI. Without my phone, I have learned some strategies to make the best of my solo dining experience! I hope they help you, the next time you’re eating alone in a foreign place!

To read the tips on dining solo, follow this link, originally published on my blog on CoverMore – Tips for Dining Solo 

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  • Reply
    December 1, 2017 at 7:28 am

    Yes, I agree; sitting at the bar is a good place when dining alone. Unlike sitting at a table, there is a greater chance someone will sit next to you! It also feels a little more relaxing. As an extension to dining where there is live music/entertainment, I would also add dining where there is a view to enjoy. I’d still prefer to dine with friendly company, but should that not be available, at least these tips you have shared can be employed. Thanks, Sal.

    • Reply
      Sally Watson
      December 1, 2017 at 8:47 pm

      Yes good point Irene, a view is also nice when dining alone, or any time really 🙂

  • Reply
    Susan watson
    November 26, 2017 at 7:08 am

    Great article once again Sally

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