Travel Thoughts

Fall In Montreal: Photo Gallery, Le Plateau Mont-Royal

Colourful terraces, Le Plateau, Montreal


Magic colours of Autumn in Le Plateau, Montreal


In the Fall/Autumn in Montreal, the weather and temperature is already just like the very coldest days in Australia, in the midst of winter. It is a reality check for me – there are many months of epic, more severe, chilly days ahead. I’ve spent a lot of time fearful of the Canadian winter, especially as every-single-person-I-ever-meet mentions it! Yet, I’ve decided to embrace the adventure, at least for the next few months and see what snowfall is REALLY like!

Many unique moments are ahead, with the beautiful changing colours of the leaves on the trees, plus the opportunity to walk around wearing a furry hat with ear muffs and ugg-lined hardcore winter boots. It is a novelty which I rarely, if ever, enjoy in mild Australia.

Observing the changing of the seasons here, seeing the gradual change in the greenery around, starting to turn red, orange and brown, is a special sight.

Here are a few pictures of Fall In Montreal, from the streets of Le Plateau. Up until a week ago, it was still warm, so gardens are still alive with colour, greenery and flowers. They are just holding on to the last breaths of mild weather before transforming during fall, and then winter.


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