Photo Blog: Buildings of Montreal
Travel Stories

Photo Blog: Buildings of Montreal

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! During my travels around the streets of Montreal, I captured some of the architecture and street landscapes which fascinated me most. Here is a collection of interesting buildings of Montreal.…

Epic Journey to the Panama Border
Travel Stories

Epic Journey to the Panama Border

On a small motorboat bound for Colombia’s border with Panama, the ocean was as treacherous as my mindset. "Epic Journey" represents a metaphorical turning point in my life. Out of the dark depths of fear and despair came some…

Myths About Colombia
Travel Thoughts

Myths About Colombia

As first seen on Before visiting Colombia, I had many preconceptions of what to expect from a country which was once one of the most dangerous in the world. Times have changed and Colombia is now a hot tourist…

Solo Friendly Destinations
Travel Tips

Solo Friendly Destinations

Whilst hugely rewarding, solo travel is not always an easy undertaking. Some places are better suited to the single, whilst others can be testing. If you’re considering appropriate locations, here are my suggestions on Solo Friendly Destinations.…

Things I miss about Montreal
Travel Thoughts

Things I Miss About Montreal

Ever wondered what Montreal Canada is like? This blog, Things I Miss About Montreal, might give you an idea of her positives. To be fair I also included what I don't miss. To Montreal's credit, the list of what…

Sunlight and flowers at Marum Restaurant, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Travel Tips

10 Money Tips for Cambodia

If you're heading to beautiful Cambodia - you may have some questions about money. To help you be street smart about your cash, get your head around the currency and make the most of your travelling budget, here…

Pagoda, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Yoga Etiquette

If you’re looking to develop and deepen your yoga practice, you may want to embrace the concept of yoga etiquette.…

Letter to Montreal
Travel Thoughts

Letter to Montreal Weather From An Australian

I’ve written to Montreal Weather after her repeat weather warnings: Snow Storm warning, Heat warning, Storm warning and last night’s Rain warning. The warnings have gone on and on. It’s been stressful at times. Yet, I want to make…
